An attempt at making a cat collar camera

Posted on Sun 23 October 2022 in electronics • Tagged with cats, electronics

I can get the camera onto the cat, but the cat makes it fly all over the place

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Robot remote-control by Python GUI

Posted on Tue 04 October 2022 in electronics • Tagged with cats, electronics

Operating my robot over LAN with a graphical interface

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2022 Catlendar

Posted on Wed 28 September 2022 in cats • Tagged with cats, calendar

More than half a year late, the 2022 catlendar in electronic form

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Nightvision robot

Posted on Thu 15 September 2022 in electronics • Tagged with cats, electronics

Helping the Trilobot to see in the dark

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Adventures of FartBot

Posted on Sun 14 August 2022 in electronics • Tagged with cats, electronics

A robot approaches cats while meowing and farting

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Strange photos of playing cats

Posted on Sun 18 April 2021 in cats • Tagged with cats

I went through old cat photos and found sound funny ones.

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Eating habits of cats

Posted on Sun 11 April 2021 in cats • Tagged with cats

My cats have a system for sharing food with one another. One also developed a way of telling us it's finished eating. Here's a short video showing all of these things.

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Confectionery cat

Posted on Mon 22 March 2021 in cats • Tagged with cats, calendar

For the 2017 catlendar we dressed our cat in a confectionery costume floating in space. It's cute.

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2021 cat calendar

Posted on Fri 08 January 2021 in cats • Tagged with cats, calendar

With the lockdown we haven't been able to distribute physical copies of our 2021 catlendar. Here's an electronic version made with Python.

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Graceful cat flop

Posted on Sun 27 September 2020 in cats • Tagged with cats

A photo gallery of a cat in laying on its back.

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