The magic of bread
Posted on Mon 22 March 2021 in food
I bought a 5-pack of frozen bread dough.
The instructions say to defrost the dough overnight in the fridge. I don't think I read the rest of the instructions. I added 30ml of salted butter in the pan and on top of the frozen dough.
Let's bake!
Videos and images
Bread #1
This is a single bread loaf in a pan.
Turned out okay, but not as big as I wanted.
Bread #2
Bread number 2 is in fact two breads together. The oven light was acting a bit crazy. I'm not sure if it was the light or the webcam auto-adjusting.
The bread(s) ended up being a bit too enormous.
I put a tripod and my new webcam in front of the stove.
The raspberry pi I put on top of the microwave oven. I used the microwave a few times to heat my lunch, and there were no ill effects to the little computer. No doubt the wooden cutting boards absorbed the radiation.
On the raspberry pi, I ran this command to take a snapshot every minute. Each filename is timestamped.
while sleep 60; do fswebcam -r 1920x1080 ./bread/$(date +%F%T).jpg; done
Making the videos
The snapshots were all saved as images in the folder. I then used ffmpeg
to make the videos.
cat $(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jpg" | sort -V) | ffmpeg -framerate 6 -i - -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p bread.mp4
I used code from these two pages. The second page explained how to just use all files without having to rename them.
Cleaning the oven window
On the second run, I cleaned the oven window with baking soda and a bit of vinegar. I scrubbed vigorously with a sponge for about 10 minutes and it was all clean!